A lot of folks have already emailed me asking about the tech I use to run the site. Also, I cannot help myself but talk tech. So here it is:
CMS & Hosting
Vegan Futura is a static website, i.e., it does not use a traditional CMS like Wordpress. I prefer full control and no DB dependency to run my site. Hugo is a static website generator with ready-to-use cool themes. It is fully customizable, and I love its speed and flexibility.
Netifly is my hosting provider. They provide integration with Gitlab, support for production and lower environment deployments, TLS w/ Let's Encrypt Certificate, CDN, etc. etc. Fantastic provider!
Let's Encrypt
Free SSL Certificate. Need I say more?!
Facebook Comments
A lot of bloggers use Disqus, it is a good platform especially for advanced users. I found Facebook's offering perfect for my use with most of my user base already using the platform in some fashion.
Gitlab for code and content safe keeping. Important stuff!
Tracking projects, timelines, content calendar. Awesome tool. Check it out.
Software & Tools
Affinity Photo for Mac
Fantastic photo editing software with pro-level features on a budget! Compatible with Photoshop files. Supports layers and ships with tons of pre-configured adjustment layers.
I write all posts and recipes as Markdown. Atom provides simple-to-use, yet powerful text editor for all my text editing needs.
Google Analytics
Industry standard. It is a great start to get insights into your site use and users. And it is free!
Heap Analytics
Heap Analytics complements Google Analytics. Heap provides a detailed snapshot and behavior analysis by the user across sessions.
Newsletter and Notifications
I use it to manage email lists and to send out newsletters and updates. Easy-to-use and it also comes with a good set of beautifully designed templates to get started.
Many thanks to Héctor Martínez, Roychan Kruawan for sharing their work.